Name: Tennis Club Story
Version:1.1.1Mod1: TennisClubStory_v_1_1_1_mod.apk
- Money always increase. Fast money
- Fast level Up
- 0 Training Cost
- High stats increase by training
- Always aura in competition
- 0 Club Activity Cost
- Other stuff (if you figure out let me know. I mod a lot of functions that is supposed to make the game quicker, but I hadn't play enough to test it.)
Mod2: TennisClubStory_v_1_1_1_mod2a.apk
- Money always increase. Fast money
- Fast level Up
- 0 Training Cost/Club Activity/Research
- High stats increase by training
- Always aura in competition
- Max Club Activity Point
- Quicker Sponsor level up?
- Cheap Stuff?
- Other stuff – Even more stuff than mod1
Mod2: TennisClubStory_v_1_1_1_mod2b.apk
- Same as mod2a except sponsor level up slower to prevent new product spam when you first sign up sponsors and leveling them up
Mod2: TennisClubStory_v_1_1_1_mod2b_2.apk
- Same as mod2b, except lower player gain exp to prevent waiting on level-up in later stages of the game.
- Item max on buying/gain.
Install Steps:
- Download
- Install
Credits to: tester123
Playstore Link: Tennis Club Story – Android Apps on Google Play
Finally done with High Sea Saga (on nightmare mode), so here is a first release of the mod for Tennis Club Story. Once I play around with the game more and knows how it work, I might release another mod with even more functions.Small note: found the v1.1.1 from some weird website because apkpure, apkleecher, apk-dl, etc… doesn't have it. If this is not the right version, please let me know so I can update the thread to reflect it.
Sample Screenshot:
Tennis Club Story v1.1.1
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