Appreciate that members do not leech to other sites without permission, let keep it exclusive to AR public so that game dev will not detect it too easily and keep updating or adding security
Note that such public mods are free to all, modder is doing this out of his interest and do NOT earn a single cent, thus he need a regular jobs and can only mod/update in his free time. so don't expect immediate mod update when game is updated.
Any excessive begging for update will not be accepted and will lead to thread being locked and update delay if it get too excessive.
Name: (JAP/Root ONLY) One Piece Thousand Storm (サウザンドストーム)
Version: 1.2.1
Root Needed?: NO
Name of Cheat :
1. Weak Enemies HP/Attack *in setting, can be toggle on/off, see image below
In Setting – Notification ON – Normal,
2. Remove root protection (Rooted phone can play without crashing)
3. Remove emulator protection (not 100% that all emulator will work)
4. Increase speed X5 *in settingcan be toggle on/off, see image belowClick this if image is not showing -> https://fbcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.n…_=1470733570_a5650cc59d4b1cf919f662de4423da1e
As per all modded game. there is always RISK of being banned, so play safe especially for any ranked events, arena or battle that have recorded damages
Energy, GEMS, GOLD, rewards, drop rate, exp etc are ALL secured online server side and CANNOT be modded, please do not ask anymore
Do NOT make post about being banned, if you are afraid of ban, then don't use the mod, period.Install Steps:
Game is in Japanese release only, there is NO english version sadly.
game is too new for any english guide to be available yet
– install this mod apk
– data file will be downloaded ingame
– Enjoy ^_^
Credit to : TeamAR modder @AndyLeePlaystore Link: ONE PIECE サウザンドストーム – Android Apps on Google Play
Official Site: ONE PIECE サウザンドストーム(サウスト)海賊共闘RPG | バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式サイト
Original APK
(JAP Mod) – ONE PIECE サウザンドストーム APK Download – Free Role Playing GAME for Android | APKPure.comMod Download: (Usercloud)
Download 海賊王 0515 apkMirror: (MEGA)!FRwxQADR!ff33Ao_v-mDjGyNMpA-Cd-yuxoJ3_PjTXVdL1gem_VoIf you encounter any issues with the mod games, check below thread first for answer before posting your issues
Limper's Guide to Resolving Mod IssuesFor more of AndyLee Mod Games – Click HERE
Exclusive (Jap Only) Once Piece Thousand Storms サウザンドストーム v1.2.1 (Weak Enemies, 5X Speed) Working Non Root
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